First Birthday Celebration

Cops ’n’ Kids of Easton celebrated the first birthday of the opening of the Reading Room at the Easton Area Community Center on June 9, 2012.  Community leaders, parents and readers, young and old, joined in the festivities.

Along with the special birthday cake and food provided by the Easton Area Community Center food service staff, guests were treated to special appearances by guest readers that included Mayor Sol Panto, local author, Jeffrey Finegan, Sr. with his newly released book, Colonel Washington and Me, the  Tooth Fairy, the Cat in the Hat & the Nittany Lion, all of whom added to the celebration focused on the fun of reading.  Family Connections volunteers did artistic face painting.

In addition, the Easton Block Watch provided Child ID Safety Protection registration while  an interactive children’s gardening  workshop provided by personnel in the West Ward Community Garden Project attracted children’s attention to the importance of insect pollination in growing healthy foods in home gardens.

Volunteers joined ranks with the Easton Police officers and firemen to make the event possible  to honor the Cops ‘n’ Kids program for distribution of over 15,000 books in its first year.  The partnerships with the Easton Area School District and other child-centered organizations that have been forged during the past year are amazing.  The birthday bash launched another active year of service to the children of the Easton community in 2013.


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