About Us

Cops ‘n’ Kids is an international program started by Racine, Wisconsin Police Officer Julia Burney Witherspoon in 1997. As a recipient of an award from Oprah in 2000, she opened the first Reading Room.  On June 4, 2011, the Easton Reading Room joined the network of over forty centers, worldwide. With the mission to connect kids and community through literacy, the Easton Reading Room became a reality with the financial sponsorship of the Easton Area Police Athletic League and the support of many community resources, including the Weed and Seed Program and the Easton Area Community Center.

Cops ‘n’ Kids of Easton mission is Connecting Kids and Community through Literacy.  The program accomplishes this by

  • Ensuring that every child has access, in his or her home, to books and the knowledge, inspiration and hope that such access can provide.
  • Encouraging positive relationships between children and the police
  • Inspiring creative learning and awareness for children and families by providing meaningful literacy-based experiences.

Cops ‘n’ Kids is a sponsored program of the Easton Area Police Athletic League , a non-profit 501c3 organization, is a youth crime prevention program that utilizes educational, athletic and recreational activities to create trust and understanding between police officers and youth. It is based on the conviction that young people- if reached early enough- can develop strong positive attitudes towards police officers in their journey through life toward the goal of maturity and good citizenship.

Also see “Cops ‘n’ Kids Reading Room” from The Easton Irregular, October 2011.

Directions to the Cops ‘n’ Kids Reading Room

Contact Judith Dickerson
Director, Cops ‘n’ Kids of Easton

Contact Easton Area Police Athletic League
On Facebook